Online Poker
Online poker is a card game played over the Internet, where players wager real money against each other. The software and hardware requirements to play online are minimal, so most modern laptops or desktop computers with a decent amount of processing power can handle it. There are even mobile apps for many popular poker sites, so you can play from your phone or tablet.
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a massive spike in poker traffic at many of the largest sites. This is believed to be the result of both recreational and professional players turning to online poker to avoid live venues due to their sudden dearth in availability.
Poker room software has advanced a lot in recent years and most major operators now offer a full suite of tools to help players improve their game. These include hand database programs that save, sort and recall all your online hands; player stats displays that show you the history of a particular opponent’s tendencies at specific times, such as raising versus calling; odds, equity and variance calculators; and even quizzes to test your skill.
A good poker site will have transparent terms and conditions that are easy to navigate and understand. They should also have security registration, responsible gambling and anti-money laundering information as well as a customer service contact page. The best sites will also have verified player reviews and social media pages to further establish their credibility.